Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Feeling abundance

From my pc journal, the first entry. In a template by S. Pavlina



What experience do I wish to document?
Holding gold and platinum in my hands.

When and where did this experience occur?
Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010

What did I perceive?

I saw golden grains shining in my palm...
I heard the sound of golden grains touching each other
I felt small cool beads running through my fingers...
I smelled nothing...
I tasted nothing...

Who was involved?
I and my class.

What do I think about this experience?
I think it was significant and wonderful.

How do I feel about this experience?
I feel good about it.

How did this experience affect me?
For the first time in my life I felt wealth/abundance (financial mostly, also sensory) very intensely.

How did this experience affect others?

Why did this experience occur?
I believe it was because I needed it to help me feel rich.

What do I want to remember about this experience?
The feeling of wealth and abundance while holding fine gold in my hands.

Monday, May 31, 2010

New Start

Actually, this introduction to my blog is being written in September 2012.

I switched from a pc to a mac, and my pc journal software doesn't run on mac.
So I decided to put all my old entries on my blog, which was started long ago, but had been wiped clean because the old blog was horrible. I had changed so much, it no longer mattered.

I am going to leave the entries intact, just remove names and places where necessary.

It's going to be interesting to see my development in the past years.

In 2010 I was still a student. I was very interested in personal development and trying out some things suggested on the Pavlinas' sites, including psychic experiments. I was up and down, back and forth. Law of attraction, which is big for me in 2012, I had only begun to grasp a little then. I wrote in German a lot. Should anybody ever want a translation, ask me.

This blog is for me, a journal. I hope I can be open in it. Readers are of course welcome.